There are many interesting ironies associated with Islam; the one that used to catch my eye most was that women, who are disdained in Islam, tend to be more devout Muslims than men. However, the irony that I now find even more interesting is that the non Arabs in general tend to be more devout Muslims than the Arabs.
The Arabs commonly say: Aazzana Allahu bil Islam, which means that Allah has made us (the Arabs) valued because of Islam. The Arabs point of view is straight forward; they were insignificant Arab tribes in the desert of Arabia who later ruled a vast Islamic empire. I don’t think there are many Arabs who question the accuracy of the above statement; even some Arab atheists tend to agree with it even though they also believe that Mohammed was a liar and brutal gang leader. However, the subject that the Arabs are far better off without Islam is beyond the scope of this article. But the question that springs to my mind whenever I hear the above Arabic adage is: can any other Muslim nation claim that Allah made them valued because of Islam? Can the Indians or the Iranians, who had a formidable empire in the seventh century, make such a claim?
Islam, a language based religion
Islam is the only religion in the world that is completely based on a language. Islam can only survive in an Arabic language environment, if the Arabic language disappears Islam also disappears. Learning the Arabic language is mandatory to all Muslims in order to read the Quran and perform the Islamic rituals.
Nowadays, almost all Muslims claim that their devotion to Islam is because they are convinced of its authenticity and dismiss the fact that they inherited it from their parents as a sheer coincidence. The Muslims’ claims suggest that they researched and studied their religion and found it to be flawless. Studying Islam entails reading the Quran carefully, in Arabic, and concluding that it is too good to be authored by humans, therefore, must be divine. Oddly enough, if you ask those ‘convinced’ Muslims for an explanation of any of the Quran’s contradictions or blunders they would refer you to Muslim scholars.
I explained in previous articles that when the Arabs had a free choice they did not like the Quran. After fourteen centuries, we still do not have convincing explanations to any of the hundreds of errors that litter the Quran. In addition to the errors, the Quran also contains some serious weaknesses in style that would not be acceptable by any decent author. It does not matter how good some verses are because the unprejudiced reader would never be convinced of the Quran in the presence of any error.
It is perfectly possible for an ordinary person who speaks little Arabic or no Arabic at all, to read the Quran and identify its contradictions or mistakes. That kind of critical assessment is within the reach of any impartial person who reads the Quran with judicious objectivity. However, it is not possible for the same person to read a few verses and claims they are so nicely composed and must be divine. Such an assertive conclusion depends on personal taste and requires thorough knowledge of the Arabic language and its literature, which most of the non Arabs do not have. I am afraid that the claims of the non Arab Muslims to be convinced of Islam are false claims that hide the uncomfortable reality that they believe in Islam because they take the Arabs’ word for it.
The language issue and the Quran.
The Quran was revealed, or rather released, in the Quraysh language, which was the Arabic language as spoken by the Arabs of Mecca including Mohammed. Throughout Mohammed’s stay in Mecca there were no language issues at all because Mohammed had only to deal with his own clan who spoke his own language and in his own dialect. The dialect issue only surfaced after Mohammed assumed power in Yathrib and started to deal with the Arab tribes in distant regions of Arabia. Even though Arabic was spoken throughout Arabia, but different regions had different dialects, as would be expected in a country as vast as Arabia. It didn’t fit the Arabs’ tribal pride to be asked to speak another tribe’s dialect when it comes to reading the Quran. Mohammed didn’t want this issue to stop the Arabs from joining him so he allowed each tribe to read the Quran as they please in their own dialects. As with everything else, it was Allah who whispered to Mohammed to demonstrate that flexibility and give his permission to the tribes. The divine gesture worked well and preserved the national identity of each Arab tribe.
However, the above gesture and divine flexibility didn’t extend to other nations, it was a privilege only to the Arabs. All other nations must learn Arabic to read the Quran and practice Islam. At this point, it is remarkable to note that while the early Arabs felt offended by just being asked to speak a dialect other than own, today’s Muslims are happy to read the Quran, not in a different dialect, but in a completely foreign language, without feeling offended! The non Arab Muslims accept this obvious bias towards the Arabs as a natural part of life.
This association between the Arabic language and Islam was a kind of divine windfall to the Arabs; they automatically became leaders in the world of Islam just because they can speak their own language! Even though other Muslim nations may produce some very good scholars, but unless those scholars learn the Arabic language perfectly well they won’t be highly credited in the Islamic world.
Signs of selfishness, tribalism and racism in Mohammed’s behaviour
Judged by the number of personal privileges that Mohammed granted himself, he was probably the most selfish leader in history. The following is only a small sample of those privileges:
• Mohammed, through the Quran, granted himself the right to marry as many women as he wished but restricted the other Muslims to marry only four women. In addition Mohammed granted himself the right to have sex with women who offer themselves to him.
• Mohammed granted himself the right to marry other Muslims’ widows but declared, through the Quran, that it is a sin for other Muslims to marry his own wives (after his death).
• Mohammed declared that his shares from any war booty were 20%, the remaining 80% to be shared by the rest of the Muslims.
• Mohammed considered himself to be the first among all human beings including the previous prophets. According to him, he was second only to Allah. As a matter of fact there was no difference between Islam and the other religions already practiced in Arabia except that in Islam Mohammed added his name next to Allah’s name.
• Mohammed’s egocentricity extended to his immediate family, called aal Mohammed, for whom Muslims are required to pray in every Islamic prayer.
Mohammed’s Tribalism
Even though Mohammed’s own tribe, Quraysh, despised him and fought wars against him and did nothing to promote Islam, the evidence is that Mohammed preferred them to the rest of the Arabs. In fact, Mohammed preferred the tribe of Quraysh to the tribes of Yathrib who supported him, converted to Islam and fought on his side. Mohammed used the Arabs of Yarhrib, known as the Aws and Khazraj tribes, for his purposes but neither he nor any of his companions respected them. The Muslims frequently claim that there were social or political motives behind some of Mohammed’s marriages, which he used as a tool to strengthen his ties with the various tribes. From this perspective, it is noteworthy that Mohammed did not bother to marry from the Aws or Khazraj tribes. Mohammed preferred Quraysh, so did his influential companions, who all came from Quraysh. It is striking that while the Aws and Khazraj completely disappeared from history, the Quraysh Arabs ruled the Islamic empire (khilafa) until 1258 AD and they continue to rule some states up to our time. Mohammed believed that the Aws and Khazraj were politically too naive and too weak to be trusted to govern. Mohammed’s attitude towards the Aws and Khazraj reminds me with an interview I watched about ten years ago on Aljazeera in which the Islamic cleric AbuHamza was asked: why do you live in the west if you disrespect it that much? His answer was: “we Muslims consider the west like a toilet, we visit it because we need to, but once we finish we leave.”
During the campaign of the ‘trench’ the Quraysh tribe came close to defeating Muhammed in his own stronghold , Yathrib, which was put under siege. After the siege was over, Mohammed sensed some Jewish conspiracy between Bani Quraiza and the Quraysh to which he responded by killing all the men of bani Quraiza and taking all women and children as slaves. Compare this cruel genocide with how Mohammed treated Quraysh after they surrendered the city of Mecca to him. Even though the Quraysh did not only conspire, but fought actual wars against Mohammed, he let them go free. Mohammed asked the Arabs of Quraysh: “O Quraysh! What do you think I am going to do to you?” to which they answered: “nothing, after all you are one of us” then Mohammed said: “You all may go free”
What does it mean to become a Muslim?
Non Arabs who convert to Islam undergo a complete change of personality that affects all aspects of their lives. They acquire new Islamic names, which are Arabic names, and start learning Arabic and use Arabic words in their daily language. They do not only dress and look like the Arabs but they start to think like the Arabs. They like what the Arabs like and hate what the Arabs hate. They automatically hold the Arabs’ political views on issues like Palestine and Iraq, which become their main concerns while their own national interests fade away into triviality.
A decision to convert to Islam is a big decision in any person’s life, but not all big decisions are good decisions. Every day, there are thousands of people who make big decisions to take their lives or other people’s lives. However, there is one thing sure behind every conversion to Islam and that is none of the converts truly understands the Quran or Islam.
The only true Muslims
After thirteen years of preaching Islam in Mecca, only a handful of followers joined Mohammed, all of them where friends and relatives. Those Arabs are the only Muslims who accepted Islam freely without being forced to do so. It is beyond this article to discuss the reasons behind Mohammed’s success in recruiting this handful of followers, but any gang leader, in a similar sized city, would be able to recruit a similar or even larger number of followers. Most probably those people were motivated by Mohammed’s own personality and recruiting skills, the Quran factor was insignificant especially that only a few verses were released. All those who converted to Islam, since those early days, did so for personal or political gains or simply because of fear.
The next people to join Mohammed were delegates from the city of Yathrib who happened to meet Mohammed during their pre Islamic hajj to Mecca. The delegates represented the Aws and Khazraj tribes who suffered, for years, from bitter tribal rivalry and continuous political disputes. Mohammed convinced the delegates that he was oppressed in Mecca and that he had big plans for Islam. The Yathrib Arabs were probably tempted by the prospect of making their city a religious centre and agreed to allow Mohammed in their city with the hope this might give Yathrib a new lease of life. After Mohammed’s arrival to Yathrib, the entire Arab population of the city converted to Islam overnight! What happened in Yathrib was a politically motivated mass conversion because most of the ordinary people of the city didn’t even hear the Quran.
Ten years later, Mohammed conquered Mecca, the city that loathed him and opposed Islam for twenty three years. Again, the entire population of the conquered city converted to Islam within hours. It is naive to think that the Arabs of Mecca, who detested the Quran for over two decades, suddenly realised that it was such a good book and must be divine. That conversion was achieved only under military pressure; Mohammed famously said to the Meccan Arabs: aslim taslam, meaning ‘be a Muslim and you are safe.’
The same scenario was repeated in every country that was conquered by the Muslims’ armies. The conquered nations were offered three options: to convert, to become dhimmi and pay its high tax (called jizia) or fight (often a losing battle). Converting to Islam was often the safest option but no one would call that a free choice, after all those nations did not speak Arabic and hardly knew anything about the Quran or Islam.
I often receive emails from Muslims who do not like my articles about the Quran. All the emails I received so far were from non Arab Muslims who defend the Quran using the usual Islamic strategy. They claim the Quran is clear, logical and full with wisdom; the problem is never in the Quran but in my misunderstanding. What I found interesting is that a number of the senders openly expressed their hate towards the Arabs accusing them of being dishonest. I never allow myself to engage in racist confrontations, but I am still waiting for any of them to explain to me why they place their full trust in those dishonest Arabs when it comes to the Quran. Also it would be interesting to know what makes the non Arabs so comfortable in a religion that reserves all the front seats to the Arabs.
Islam is an Arabic religion brought by an Arab for the Arabs. It is based on an Arabic book that even the Arabs didn’t like. The non Arab Muslims devotion to Islam defies logic, not only because Islam is biased against them, but also because they believe in a religion that is completely based on a foreign language which they do not speak or understand.
Good post. I enjoy the blog.
ReplyDeletevery interesting post!
ReplyDeleteOutstanding report which gives ammunitions to argue against the worst religion in human history. Muslims always use nothing but propaganda when it comes to the Koran and their political/religious views bent for human and global domination.
ReplyDeleteسُوۡرَةُ الطُّور
ReplyDeleteأَمۡ خُلِقُواْ مِنۡ غَيۡرِ شَىۡءٍ أَمۡ هُمُ ٱلۡخَـٰلِقُونَ (٣٥) أَمۡ خَلَقُواْ ٱلسَّمَـٰوَٲتِ وَٱلۡأَرۡضَۚ بَل لَّا يُوقِنُونَ (٣٦)
Were they created by nothing? or were they themselves the creators? (35) Or did they create the heavens and the earth? Nay, but they have no firm Belief. (36)
Your are an interesting guy I'll admit,
ReplyDeletealthough I find your far too biased my friend, you claim that you have studied Islam extensively! I can tell by your juvenile left brain Euro-babel masked as objective thinking you have not done anything of the sort, from the wealth of negative things that you have to say about Islam, Muslims & their prophet it can be deduced that you obviously have done extensive research on the negative aspects of Islam, but for whatever reason you fail to mention anything positive that Islamic Society has contributed to the world, I think that your motive for not doing so is quite obvious, You want to show how certain aspects of religion are irrelevant in the 21st century,IMO you fail miserably in what I'm assuming is you one of your reasons for doing this blog( which is to wake up Somalis as to the backwardness of the wahabist interpretation of Islam, & Religion in general, also to show people your clear Atheistic world view)
it seem to me your just an Islam basher masking yourself as an enlightened atheist, I've not read all your post but the ones that I have all seem to have the same undertones, Islam this Islam that, Muhammad this Muhammad that, Muslims are this Muslims are that, you would be most welcome in any state of the American south,
Why do you not criticize those ignorant Indians (for example)that post comments here who brand all Pakistanis backwards or dangerous, even though they are clearly racist, their religion Hinduism is nothing more than sanctified racism that mentally enslave's & subjugates 250 million so-called untouchables Indians, & has been doing so for 4000 year's, imagine the suffering that these people have been going through in name of an Ayrianised interpretation of the Dravidian religion that is more commonly known as Hinduism for the last 4000 years, but if I'm not mistaken you like them over Pakistanis simply because Pakistan is predominately a Muslim nation, what hypocrisy.
you claim to be an atheist but only reserve harsh criticism for Islam, Arabs & nothing else, I can't stand Arabs myself and think that they are a vile & racist people, but there is good & bad in every people's,
Without the expansion of Islam(by the sword admittedly) we would not have the scientific method, we would not have many other things amongst them the Greek philosophy & critical thinking that was translated by "Moorish African Muslim scholars" that you love to formulate articulate your ideas & world view around, Europeans would still be in their dark ages as it was Moors who enlightened them, my friend this is just the tip of the iceberg I cloud mention thousands of more profound contributions to the sum of human knowledge & civilization by Islamic Civilisations, I mean I cloud write a 5000 word essay on Islamic contributions on merchant law alone, contributions that are so profound that the global system of commerce & finance that we live under today could not have emerged without, & how fundamental these contributions are to the current system functioning today.
look as a Rastaman would say "lick out" against the system, but try to "lick out" against all weak ass foreign bullshit that dominates African minds, "lick out" against all falsehood, & not just Arabs & Islam for this is defeating the purpose of your trying to wake up people from all this foreign mindsets that are prevalent in the motherland & beyond, I commend you for your effort & work, Although a feel you should also highlight the achievements of Africans who had contributed so much to scientific methodology, philosophy, mathematics, medicine, cosmology, any much more under the religion of Islam, it's not all doom & gloom and negative as you seem to love to portray,
Peace King.
@Mahammed, there were many enlightened scholars from Islamic civilisations, there is no doubt about that and one has to agree that certain Islamic civilisations were well off in their day. However to say that the progress was because of Islam is silly. It was because some rulers of certain civilisations were far more tolerant and far more interested in material wealth and pleasures than following their religion. That progress took place in spite of the situation and the religion. When the rulers started taking the religion seriously, the plunder started becoming less and more progress was made things got worse. Many great scholars such as Ibn Rushd and Ibn Sina were regarded as heretics by some
ReplyDeleteMind you I am not singling out only Islam here, this applies to all religions.
ReplyDelete@Anonymous, indeed I Concur with your post,
ReplyDeletebut I hope you understand I'm not hear to blow the trumpet for Islam as if it is some perfect religion, my point was that one should not miss lead the people who come to read this blog into believing that you have studied Islam "Extensively" when from the negativity that is posted one can clearly see that to be a false statement,
IMO It is precisely because of Islam that these Rulers that you mentioned were so moderate, now what constituted a moderate civilization 1000+ years ago cannot be expected to constitute one in our day & age clearly,
one need's to understand that Sunni Islam is not the only sect of Islam in the world & that there were many different interpretations of Islam in the early days of that religion, one of the points that I was trying to make was that the Sunni Interpretation of Islam has Hijacked the religion, the same way that Roman Catholicism has hijack the the philosophies of Joshua of Nazareth,
Furthermore to claim to have studied Islam "Extensively" & not to have have quoted Ibn Manzur's Lisan al-arab(d.1311) the most important "classical Arabic"(Qur'an Arabic) Lexical dictionary (which gives a deep understanding of the Arabic culture & language of the time of the Prophet Muhammad) is criminal to say the least
I'm not here to point out the flaws of my friend for hell of it, I merely want to say that one should not claim to have "Extensive" knowledge on a subject when you obviously don't, if you want to slander Islam & say that you don't like religion fine! but don't claim that you know about something "Extensively" when all you have done is read books & source's that fit your very hateful view of Islam & not to mention your agenda,
Peace king
@Ciyaalka Xaafadda
ReplyDeleteHa Ha.. Yeah allright brother, no such thing as a religious scholar? the information for this post about early Islam I guarantee is sourced form one of those so-called non-existent Islamic scholar, you keep propagating that Euro-Bable, disprove any of my points please, furthermore don't bother as they are historical fact's & can't be disproved.
& my name is Mohammed brother not "peace king"
Peace King
look at all these non-Africans that love these post? that in it-self tell you how much Euro-clown Euro-babel are on these post, they can't get enough of it, because it is there views typed by an African brother that's why,
ReplyDeleteBabylon your time is up stop trying to slither & shape shift your way into the coming new African golden age & paradigm shift, the oppressed will rise & be rid of your atheism/racism/ fake science fake religions & god concepts. Arise African for it the return of the Golden Age
Peace King
Hmm, so we should not believe in Islam because it is forced on somalis by arabs and instead we should choose to follow the product of white men, (atheism). That makes perfect sense.
ReplyDeleteAtheism is not "white man" product! !!
ReplyDeletehow amazingly stupid are muslim brains ?? anything that challenges their scriptures must be considered as a western invention that is produced to attack their religion specifically and the elaborate ignorance continues.
Don't you have any rational unbiased thinking mechanism ???
For the love of "peace" and "humanity" USE YOUR BRAINS FOR ONCE !!
The only thing I don't like about islam is that you can't get out of it.
ReplyDeleteIt's very very sad!!!
islam is bullshit
ReplyDeletei dont know why our people worship Arab god
ReplyDeleteIslam is a racist religion, so are alot of other religions YES like Judaism, Hinduism and so on, we all know they are but this blog is focusing on Islam.
ReplyDeleteIn Islam, Arabs are viewed as noble people and especially the descendants of Muhammed and his tribe "the Quraish" <---- This is why I call Muhammed a tribal warrior. His plan was to spread his nonsense and make other groups of people believe both Allah, himself and his people are the holliest. The Quran can only be used in Arabic and when Muslims are doing their prayers(Salah) whether they understand Arabic or not, there is no other option if you want your prayers(Salah) to be accepted by Allah you've to do it in Arabic(I know it's insane to talk to your God in a language you don't understand 5 times every day but non-Arabic speaking Muslims do this:/)
The tribal minded Muhammed and his followers wanted to conquer other people's land and they did it well by converting them to Islam and then make them believe that Arabic is the holliest language because the Quran is written in Arabic. This explains the arabization of North Africa and Sudan. Islam = Arab supremacy, do your own research people, barta diintan aad u wada doodeysiin.
Islam is a racist religion, so are alot of other religions YES like Judaism, Hinduism and so on, we all know they are but this blog is focusing on Islam.
ReplyDeleteIn Islam, Arabs are viewed as noble people and especially the descendants of Muhammed and his tribe "the Quraish" <---- This is why I call Muhammed a tribal warrior. His plan was to spread his nonsense and make other groups of people believe both Allah, himself and his people are the holliest. The Quran can only be used in Arabic and when Muslims are doing their prayers(Salah) whether they understand Arabic or not, there is no other option if you want your prayers(Salah) to be accepted by Allah you've to do it in Arabic(I know it's insane to talk to your God in a language you don't understand 5 times every day but non-Arabic speaking Muslims do this:/)
The tribal minded Muhammed and his followers wanted to conquer other people's land and they did it well by converting them to Islam and then make them believe that Arabic is the holliest language because the Quran is written in Arabic. This explains the arabization of North Africa and Sudan. Islam = Arab supremacy, do your own research people, barta diintan aad u wada doodeysiin.
Islam is a racist religion. Muslims whether they understand Arabic or not, they can only do their prayers(Salah) in Arabic(yes I know it's insane to not understand and know what you are saying when you are praying to your God but non-Arab Muslims do this five times a day:/).
ReplyDeleteThe Quran can only be written in Arabic and Arabs are viewed as noble people in Islam which means they are superior to other ethnicities. Muhammed was a tribal warrior who wanted to conquer the world by doing holly wars(Jihad) on infidels and convert them to Islam and then make them put their language and culture behind by brainwashing to believe their language is inferior compared to the superior language of the Quran --> Arabic. This explains how North africa and Sudan got arabized. Islam = Arab supremacy, Soomaaliyey diintaad u doodeysiin soo barta intaadan daaficin, waa diin idin tiri Carabta baa idinka fadli badan.
It is of ignorance and fear of invisible being.
ReplyDeleteI would love more information on you opinions on Islam. I teach a comparative look at the five major religions and would love to use some of your "eye" opening information.
ReplyDeleteThank you for being so honest and open.
To let you know, I let all groups speak/present their views in a tasteful, appropriate manner.
"They automatically hold the Arabs’ political views on issues like Palestine and Iraq, which become their main concerns while their own national interests fade away into triviality."
ReplyDeleteSo true!!
ReplyDeleteMohamed was a clever man because when he was weak and lived in Mecca and depended on his Jewish advisors he recited the koranic verse ` Oh, the sons of Israel we excelled you above all other people`. But when moved to Medina and became powerful he massacred 750 Jews and ordered his disciples to face to Mecca instead of Jerusalam. When he came back to Mecca he said in different hadiths that Quraysh are above all other tribes. When tracing to their origins most Arabised non-Arab tribes, either Africans or Asians, try to falsify their identities and trace to Quraysh. So they are force themselves to imitate Quraysh culture ignoring another contradicting hadith in which Mohamed said, `the excelled one is the most fearful.`
You are wrong , your opinion is wrong , Mohammed (peace be upon him ) is the massnger of Allah , I hope from all to read more and more about Islam
ReplyDeleteWhen you Understand Isalm as it , you will change your mind and find your right path
Ask yourself
Are all Muslims 1.4 billions ) stupid over All world ?????
and your are clever
Please if you do not interest in Isalm and The massngers. okey go and live on your own religious or your believe.
Read this from Quraan
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
قُلْ يَا أَيُّهَا الْكَافِرُونَ
Say: O ye that reject Faith!
2. لَا أَعْبُدُ مَا تَعْبُدُونَ
I worship not that which ye worship,
3. وَلَا أَنْتُمْ عَابِدُونَ مَا أَعْبُدُ
Nor will ye worship that which I worship.
4. وَلَا أَنَا عَابِدٌ مَا عَبَدْتُمْ
And I will not worship that which ye have been wont to worship,
5. وَلَا أَنْتُمْ عَابِدُونَ مَا أَعْبُدُ
Nor will ye worship that which I worship.
6. لَكُمْ دِينُكُمْ وَلِيَ دِينِ
To you be your Way, and to me mine.
I like these verses. They are tolerant, unviolent and democratic. They stand for " The Freedom Of Religion " Acording to these 16 centuries-old verses, people of different faiths can live side by side peacefully, and listen and respect each other. Every body is free to mind his or her own faith. Such wonderful verses give me the right to follow and practice the footsteps of my ancestors: Modern Waqism.
DeleteI like these verses. They are tolerant, unviolent and democratic. They support " The Freedom of Religoion " Acording these 16 centuries-old verses, people of different faiths can live side by side peacefully, and listen and respect each other. Every body is free to practice his or her belief. Such wonderful verses give me the right to follow the footsteps of my ancestors: Modern Waqism.
its an amazing well put information about islam & arabs.
ReplyDeletehorta niyohow aniga qof leh somalidu waa carab markaan arko waxaa iqabato kurka maka jartaa nacalaa dhashee.
mida kale somalida in maskaxda laga heeysto waxaad ku ogaaneeysaa midkasto magaciisu abdi ayuu kabilaawdaa.. ama 3 magac oo carbeed ayuu leeyahay.
somalis suffer cultural genocide.. the arab culture has overpowered & wipedout everything the somali nation had.
Im sorry guys, but i disagree with you allot, even though i am a Somali athiest, i must admit that attacking only muslims is a biased way of criticizing rligion. In this way no muslims will follow our true non-beliefs, and insted the muslims will ignore us. I would suggest to tolerate islam, instead of alienating it, because we all know that the more we alienate people, the more they will stop listening to us, and look at us, as if we are intolerant....no need for that, instead we should be the first ones to welcome muslims to our world so that the bigoted christians wont do it first, as they are about to do right now, and i am not talking about christians but all religions, incl. muslims. I believe that the only way to make muslims atheists, is to group with them, and stand against every other religion. Because the only support that we somalis can get, can only come from Somalia it self. We can make Somalia the only atheist nation in the world, just by supporting them (instead of alienating them), and make a revolution through the whole country, to fight against oppresion, corruption and other nonsense, like religious people (only the ones that want to enforce religion on the atheists)... only then will Somalia be truly healed... Viva la revolution
ReplyDeleteWe somalis do not need to attack each other, its the tribal war in Somalia, all over again. Instead we atheists should unite with somalis first, and fight against the oppresors (The ones who inforce religion on atheists, The government, the tribe leaders, other nations who want to influence Somalia), in that way, we can make a revolutionary, atheist society, which will not accept nonsence from any other part (only somalis will be heard), and only then will we live in harmony with somalis.
ReplyDeleteWhy do i think this is the solution? Because us somalis, and somalis in general, will not respect atheists, if we continue to be biased and only take sides with the westeners, and i know this because they are getting tired of all the, excuse my language, BS. that the western society as well as the soviets and arabs have tried to impose on somalis. So i undertand us very well.
We can make it happen muslims and atheists from Somalia, we can start a revolutionary and intelectual movement, which no one has seen before, and transform Somalia, to a more harmonic state. Only then will somalis live in peace and be respected by other nations, which will use Somalia as an example, and change their societys as well...
@SomaliAnarchist This man is attacking Islam because Islam poses the greatest instability and threat to all human civilization than does Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Paganism, Buddhism, and Atheism put together. He feels that Islam has brainwashed most non-Arab peoples (especially Somalis) and continues to subjugate them and women under their false dogma, and he feels the need to free his peoples mind from it.
ReplyDeleteWhat a waste of time. For somebody who calls himseld and atheist you spend alot of time thinking about religion. Just like a racist who spends his time and energy thinking and hating other races. Grow up if you are a true atheist leave religious people alone and find somethingelse that interest you. You are free to think what you like, so spend you time on this earth doing thing s you enjoy cos in the next life you will be toast.
ReplyDeleteThe whole Somalia will become atheist soon.